Arts & Culture


The Multicultural & Arts programming at Woodroffe aims to bring in artists that are able to share their histories, cultural traditions and experiences.  The workshops aim to be interactive for the students and accessible equally by an entire grade.  The goal of the programming is to be either supportive of curriculum or to fill in areas that curriculum does not allow coverage.

In the past we have brought in a local Canadian singer/songwriter for kindergarten students, a dance & music troop for Chinese New Year for the Grade 1s, and South African gumboots dancing for grades 2 and 3.

This year we took on a school wide art installation based on the book “Only One You”, which asked all students and staff to paint a rock fish representing their uniqueness.

Our budget between $3,000 – $3,500 each year is provided entirely from fundraising events such as Spring Fling, Movie Night and the selling of Carlingwood Gift Cards.


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